I provide three levels of upgrade services for your celebrity doll(s). All work completed promptly ON YOUR DOLL with superior quality work by the skilled crafts persons who work exclusively for Animated Puppets. Satisfaction guaranteed. STANDARD UPGRADE
Sarting with the basic ventriloquist dummy, our figure makers add a hard hollow body and the head is mounted to a control stick. You are able to put your hand in the back and control the mouth with a lever on the control stick. The head can tilt, nod, and turn all the way around. One hand operation while the dummy sits on your lap, or on a table, stool, etc.
This version has all the features of the Standard Model (above) PLUS we add beautiful self-centering side to side eyes and a lifelike wig.
Raising Eyebrows in addition to moving eyes, lifelike wig, and all the other features of the Deluxe Upgrade make this version truly SUPER!
Please email me for instructions on how you can ship your doll/figure to me for upgrade and/or repair service work: